1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Living Room/Dining/Kitchen combo, Office/Den. Basement apartment with separate entrance. Stay long term, or be ideally situated to purchase when another unit goes on the market. Includes:
- Light and airy basement apartment with 9’ ceilings and large windows in each room
- Outside entrance onto the patio and courtyard
- One bedroom plus extra room (office/den) is ideal for a single person or a couple (900 square feet of living space)

- Under-stair storage closet
- All utilities and wi-fi/internet access
- Close to bus lines (free EcoPass) and hiking and bike trails
Also includes access to all cohousing amenities at Silver Sage:
- New friends exploring aging in community together
- Invitations to community-wide and individual activities
- Orientation to and participation in cohousing governance, including monthly Community Meetings and work on one or two teams (committees)
- Patio, courtyard and outdoor BBQ
- Common House with community potlucks twice a week

- Arts and Crafts Room
- Media Room/Library
- Meditation Room
- Exercise Room with equipment
- Laundry Room
- Bicycle Shed
- Fully-equipped Woodworking Shop
Contact Jim and Brownie Leach with inquiries.$1500/month. Available August 1.
Includes utilities, internet and all Silver Sage Village shared amenities
This is a nonsmoking apartment. Stairs make this not handicapped accessible. No built-in oven or range, although the Common House has full facilities available. For someone who wants to be an active member of cohousing.